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Avea DNA Test review

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We got to know Avea Life through the Longevity Supplement NMN. Later, we tried various other supplements and were never disappointed. However, the costs for the Avea Life DNA Test were significantly too high for us for a long time. At the same time, we had concerns about data protection and what could be done with our DNA. After several personal phone calls with the Avea Life team, we decided to take the plunge. Here we want to report on our experiences with the Avea Test. At the same time, we will highlight for whom the Avea DNA Test is even worthwhile and who would like to save the one-time costs for it.

avea dna test

Before you delve into the details of this blog post, please note that the images included in this article are in German. However, this does not affect the test results or the information provided. The Avea DNA & Bioage Test results are available in English within the app, ensuring that you can easily understand and interpret your personalized data.

Avea DNA Test for Genealogy?

On the internet, you can now read about many different DNA tests that specialize in the topic of genealogy. Unfortunately, these providers are often untrustworthy and even commit a criminal offence under German law, as you can see in the ARD report. However, Avea Life has nothing to do with this topic. Thematically, the Avea DNA test has nothing to do with genealogy and also regarding data protection and further processing of DNA data, you don’t have to worry about Avea. The catch with genealogy is the necessary comparison with numerous different DNA profiles. Anyone who takes such a test must therefore agree to have their data and thus their DNA permanently stored and used for all further tests. However, the Avea Life DNA test pursues a completely different objective. The topic of genealogy therefore plays no role in the Avea DNA test, and the data is therefore not stored or passed on.

Avea bioage test erfahrungen

What does the Avea DNA test do?

The AVEA Life Bioage Test is supposed to provide insights into one’s own biological age and analyse the screws with which one can optimize the biological age. You get a test kit that you can easily use to take a saliva sample from home. You then send this to the laboratory. Everything is prepaid and there are no hidden shipping costs. About 4 weeks after sending in your saliva sample, you will receive the first DNA results on the corresponding app. The data is only displayed on the matching app and the corresponding login code.


The nice thing about it: You have permanent access to these personal DNA results in the app and can therefore still see how the results were a year later and share this knowledge with your doctor.

But it gets even better: If there are new insights in DNA research, these will be compared with the sample if necessary and will still be available in the app in the future.

So a DNA test with update function

But it goes even further. About 8 weeks after sending in your saliva sample, you will receive further insights on the app. These evaluations take a little longer, which is why the information is sent later. But for us, this was a very pleasant bonus that we had not expected. In this second block, you will receive the epigenetic results in the app. You will therefore find out your biological age and receive personalized recommendations on how to further optimize the individual screws to ideally be younger than your chronological age. Everything is obvious and understandable even for laypeople due to the clear instructions! These results helped us extremely to better understand our bodies. Both the positive aspects and the negative aspects were very helpful to us. The conclusions we could draw from this were integrated into our everyday life within just one week, and we felt this directly in our everyday life.

Really great: It is also clearly communicated which supplements have no or rather lower effects based on our DNA. We can therefore gladly do without these!

dna Test ergebnisse

As mentioned earlier, the images included in this article are in German. However, this does not affect the test results or the information provided. The Avea DNA & Bioage Test results are available in English within the app, ensuring that you can easily understand and interpret your personalized data.

We have not yet implemented the personalized workout plan and the nutrition plan, but we will start doing so shortly and will certainly feel even more significant results. Really great that you get such a service for free with the DNA test!

How does the Avea Life DNA test work?

During the test, a saliva sample is taken and then sent in. Subsequently, this sample is analysed and evaluated in laboratories regarding known DNA markers. It is about the individually existing DNA, which is examined for existing gaps and potentials. In addition, an analysis is made of how “worn out” the chromosomes are at the time of sampling. This allows conclusions to be drawn about the biological age.

Avea DNA Evaluations

Simplified, Avea puts the DNA of the saliva sample into a pre-made grid. These different grids “sound the alarm” in a traffic light system, from green to yellow to red. In addition, the biological age can be evaluated afterwards using this traffic light system to see how much it differs from the actual age. Of course, other values such as gender, actual age, weight, pre-existing conditions, and habits such as regular smoking and alcohol consumption are also analysed. These data should be provided as realistically as possible to obtain the most unadulterated overall result.

Avea DNA Test Discount Code

avea bioage dna test
Important: With the Avea Bioage DNA Test, the discount code avea-youth-supplements-15 is worthwhile in March 2025, which gives you a discount of 15 British pounds (just under 17 euros).
Admittedly, while you would receive a saving of almost 35 euros with the 15% discount code long-life, Avea has deactivated the coupon code for exactly this product. So, to still use a coupon for the DNA test, be sure to use the code avea-youth-supplements-15!

Avea DNA Test App

Once the test has been evaluated, you will receive an email with a link that allows you to access over 50 individual evaluations. Since all of this data could quickly become confusing in a PDF, Avea has designed the Muhdo app in collaboration with the professional provider, which optimally prepares the personal Avea test results.

avea dna test app

The beauty of it: Multiple tests can be managed and saved for later documentation. So, we plan to do another Bioage test by Avea in a year to see how much our biological age has improved after living according to the individual requirements for a year.

But already now we can say that our general practitioner was extremely enthusiastic about a new blood test after 3 months, as almost all health-specific markers had improved significantly. And that, even though we only had to make comparatively minor adjustments in our everyday lives, which the Avea DNA & Bioage test had made us aware of.

epigenetic age test

After clicking on the individual points, the user receives personalized results in the app. Really extremely exciting!

Please remember that the images included in this article are in German. The Avea DNA & Bioage Test results are available in English within the app, ensuring that you can easily understand and interpret your personalized data.

Avea DNA Test Results

As mentioned, 3 different people from our editorial team took the test. We sent the test in independently of each other to see how Avea handles the data. After all, it would have been quite sobering if we had all received the same test results. But fortunately, that was not the case. Here are a few examples:

dna test diseases

However, the time from sending in the saliva sample to receiving the test results was relatively consistent. The earliest result reached us after 9 days, the latest test results were in our mailbox after 14 days and could be further analysed with the corresponding app.

AVEA DNA bioage Test telomere-chromosomes
For data protection reasons, we do not want to delve too deeply into our DNA results. However, in this article, we repeatedly provide rough insights into individual DNA results:
Dna Test nutrition

Automatic Notification of New DNA Findings

We have even gone one step further and allowed Avea Life to notify us in the future if new DNA findings can be made based on new DNA insights. This way, we benefit from these new DNA insights with just one saliva sample and can act accordingly if necessary. However, if you do not want this, you can decline this with one click before the first evaluation of the saliva sample. It couldn’t be easier.


In fact, the Avea Bioage Test was the biggest hurdle for us. What kind of hurdle? In terms of:

  • Price
  • Trust in data protection
  • the benefit of the results.

In retrospect, however, each of us is extremely glad that we eventually overcame it and just did it. The cost of the test is absolutely justified. At least in our case (three different test subjects with three different results), each test result was absolutely worth its money! Each of us was confronted with concrete results that no doctor or blood test had ever told us before.

The earlier you take this test, the better you can influence the coming years with the results. Whether it’s individual vitamins or minerals that you should consciously supplement, or the conscious omission of certain ingredients. For each of us, the Avea DNA test was an absolute eye-opener and has brought about quite significant changes within a few months, which can certainly have even more positive effects for the future.

biological age test

In terms of trust in data protection and the use of DNA evaluations, we can give Avea an absolute green light! The manufacturer is based in Switzerland and handles the data very trustingly. If necessary, you only need to write an email and all data will be permanently removed from all systems and the app. However, since the data is only used for your own documentation anyway, you don’t have to worry about it.

Avea Life Offer March 2025

In March, there is a special promotion at Avea. You can choose whether you want to use a 15% voucher or a 15 euro discount code for your Avea shopping cart. Both Avea discount codes work for all products from Avea Life. The promotion is valid while stocks last in March 2025. We have already tested it. Both vouchers work. But unfortunately, a combination of both voucher codes is not possible. So be quick. Here are the two Avea discount codes that you can enter in the shopping cart:
15 Euro Avea Life Discount (worthwhile for a shopping cart value that is less than 100 euros): avea-youth-supplements-15
15% Avea Discount Code (worthwhile for a shopping cart value that is greater than 100 euros): long-life
avea life discount code