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AG1 Athletic Greens side effects?

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The AG1 supplement from Athletic Greens is known for the fact that you can absorb the majority of the nutrients in just one shake and thus significantly support your health. But does it really work? And what are the side effects of regularly taking Athletic Greens? We took a critical look at the powder and also analysed competitor products.

AG1 harmful side effects?

At the end of this article you will know how healthy AG1 by Athletic Greens really is, whether taking it regularly can have harmful side effects for you, or how you can prevent these side effects. In addition, we will tell you whether there are alternative products that are cheaper or offer even more benefits than AG1 by Athletic Greens.

AG1 Athletic Greens side effects

Some people experience a few minor side effects in the first few days after taking Athletic Greens AG1. These usually subside after 2 to 3 days (if there is no allergy) and indicate that the body first has to learn how to deal with the concentrated power of important nutrients. Temporary headaches are a typical indication in rare cases. But if you make sure to drink plenty of fluids and continue to eat a balanced diet, these side effects will subside after a short time. This is also an indication that the body is now able to optimally utilise the AG1 nutrients from Athletic Greens. Nevertheless, headaches or other side effects should never be taken lightly. Therefore, if you feel that your daily drink is not doing you any good, it is better to stop taking it or at least reduce the dosage. In addition, undesirable side effects should be clarified with a doctor, if possible, in order to rule out intolerances, overdoses or other pre-existing conditions.

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Athletic Greens ingredients

Can something that consists exclusively of healthy ingredients cause harmful side effects at all? Hard to believe, but yes, unfortunately this is quite possible! Why and how we reveal further down.
In another article, we had already examined the AG1 ingredients in detail. The result surprised us ourselves! The powder is really full of natural ingredients. Here is a German list of all the ingredients:The result surprised us ourselves! The powder is really full of natural ingredients. Here is a list of all the AG1 ingredients:
ag1 athletic-greens-ingredients
But how can this green supplement actually be absorbed by the human body and what long-term effects can occur when taking AG1 by Athletic Greens? Unfortunately, we were surprised here as well, because there are actually a few things you should consider if you don’t want to suffer an overdose.

Pharmacists about AG1 by Athletic Greens

The following is what an American pharmacist has to say about Athletic Greens (now called AG1) on US TV-channel Fox61:

In summary:
The product is safe, and the ingredients are all tested. It is just not possible to make a statement about how the 75 ingredients react with each other.

Get your AG1® Greens

Athletic Greens (AG1) overdose?

Finding a healthy balance in life is the art. Even the healthiest foods can cause side effects that are harmful to the body if overdone. The effects of an overdose of vitamins can become acute when taken over a long period and can cause acute side effects in some people. Then we talk about a condition known as hypervitaminosis. The most common overdose is vitamin A overdose, which can occur at a fivefold daily dose.

Symptoms of a hypervitaminosis

The side effects of vitamin overdose have been studied in a variety of professional articles and medical studies. Summary: Pay attention to the following symptoms, especially if they occur together:

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  • fatigue
  • Weakness
  • vomit
  • nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches
  • Hair loss
  • gastrointestinal complaints
  • Muscle weakness

Important: These side effects occur naturally only in case of extreme overdose! Due to the recommended daily intake of 12g AG1 by Athletic Greens these side effects can of course not occur. On the contrary, AG1 by Athletic Greens is known to combat the symptoms described above. Nevertheless, when taking AG1, one should remember that the additional food intake should be adjusted accordingly. An overdose can of course occur faster after taking AG1 or another high-dose greens powder than if you have not charged your body with the full vitamin power.

Hypervitaminosis through AG1 by Athletic Greens?

Hypavitaminosis is prevented by the well-balanced composition of AG1 (by which we do not exclude that this does not also apply to other Greens supplements), so it is not induced! However, one must pay attention to the further vitamin intake during the course of the day and should not overdo it. Otherwise, you should reduce the daily amount of AG1 by Athletic Greens accordingly. Athletic Greens® recommends a daily AG1 dose of 12 grams.

For a pure office worker who eats a very healthy diet throughout the day, 8 grams are sufficient. An athlete who takes many vitamins in combination with carbohydrates throughout the day can tolerate a higher dose of AG1 without fear of overdosing. However, this is not medical advice. In case of doubt, you should always consult your doctor in advance if you want to adjust the dosage of a supplement.

Drink enough!!!!!

AG1 by Athletic Greens (or other greens supplements) should be dissolved in 250ml water and drunk. This is a good amount to start the day. However, it is important to maintain the water balance throughout the day! Especially when taking up Greens powders, the body should be supplied with sufficient liquid so that it can process the nutrients provided.

Athletic Greens and oxalic acid?

Greens Smoothies are becoming more and more popular because, just like AG1 by Athletic Greens, they provide many healthy nutrients in a shake. The advantage of AG1 is that the shake is prepared in less than 30 seconds and you don’t have to clean the kitchen afterwards 😉 The taste of AG1 is also uniquely delicious, so that we can only recommend everyone to test this powder once.
In connection with Green Smoothies one hears again and again of a “danger by oxalic acid”. That these are all just rumors that can easily be disproved, can be read for example here. The same applies of course to green powders such as AG1, so that no kidney stones or the like can be caused there by ingestion.

AG1 Athletic Greens Criticism

There are, however, several sites that nevertheless express criticism of Athletic Greens (which is now called AG1). Most of the criticism looks like the following:

  • Too expensive
  • concentration of the individual ingredients is too low (however, this overlooks the fact that the perfect interaction of the individual ingredients is essential for the perfect effect to be achieved without overdosing)
  • Too little information about the company behind the product
  • No protein contained, so that it cannot replace a meal (we completely agree with this!)

Here are the different sites that criticize Athletic Greens:

  1. http://www.fourhourbodysupplies.com/athletic-greens-negative-review-complaints/

Athletic Greens Conclusion

Yes, AG1 by Athletic Greens is expensive. But measured by the positive effects that athletic greens have on the body, it is definitely worth the money. Especially if you think about what you spend your money on every month (just add up the coffee or pizza orders per month).

Yes, you can overdose AG1 by Athletic Greens, just like you can spoil your stomach by eating too much fruit and vegetables. You should also not overdose on other vitamin tablets. So this is not surprising! You should adjust AG1 to your actual daily requirements. If in doubt, it is sufficient to take AG1 by Athletic Greens only every other day to see how the body reacts to the additional vitamins.

It is generally important to drink enough throughout the day. But this applies all the more with the combination of AG1, so that the ingredients can be optimally used by the body.

Correctly used is AG1 by Athletic Greens a real enrichment for the body, so we can only recommend it!

Today, events are coming thick and fast!!! Athletic Greens gives our readers via the following page*advertising for free with any order:
  • An AG1 shaker
  • one bottle of sun-vitamin D3 K2
  • 5 AG1 travel packs
  • A storage tin
  • An aluminum dosing spoon for your daily AG1
The Vitamin D3-K2 oil is currently not available for purchase separately. According to Athletic Greens, one bottle is enough for a whole year and optimizes the effect of Athletic Greens Shake again enormously because many active ingredients can be absorbed, especially in combination with an oil. And we don't need to talk about the general benefits of vitamin D3 and K2 here! Athletic Greens has dosed these active ingredients so that they fit optimally to the daily Greens Shake. Here's how to get to the short-term free promotion page: ag1 athletic greens offer*advertising Quickly strike because it might be very limited in stock. So if you still see the offer
we can definitely recommend it